By default, you get safe URL, which starts with https://.
Search Engine Optimization
Quill injects correct meta tags to your website, so that search engines like Google can better crawl your website, which brings better discoverability. Also, every website generated by Quill has a page /sitemap.xml which helps search engines to easily navigate and crawl your web pages.
RSS Feed
If you care about RSS, we’ve got you covered. If you don’t know RSS, it’s a special URL that users can subscribe to your website via services called RSS reader.
Without doing anything, your website will have this path /rss.xml. It means you will have URLs like the following:
https://example.quill.so/rss.xml https://your-custom-domain.com/rss.xml
If you want to expose only a certain subset of paths, you can do it too.
For example,
The URL above will show only the pages that start with /posts/dev/. Internally, the expression is matched by micromatch. You can learn more about the syntax here.
Custom domain
Pro You need to configure your domain to point to Quill. Go to your domain registrar(the website where you purchased your domain) and set it up like the following:
A Record: (TTL: 1h)
Name Servers:
ns1.vercel-dns.com ns2.vercel-dns.com
If you want to configure a subdomain, you need to configure CNAME. This is an example for blog.example.com
Name: blog
Value: cname.vercel-dns.com.
The changes may take some hours to a couple of days. Once you're done or not sure about the process, send us an email at support@quill.com including your domain name. Quill needs to validate and finalize configuration in order to enable custom domain. You must send us an email from the email address you signed up for Quill.
Custom CSS & JavaScript
Pro If you want to tweak the appearance or some functionality and you know what you do, then you can definitely go wild. You can apply project-wide CSS and JS via plugins.
If you want to apply CSS or JS per specific page, you can do it too. Because every page contains data-quill-path attribute in the DOM like the following:
<div class="quill-container" data-quill-path="post/2021-review"> ...
Then you can apply CSS or JS per page like the following:
[data-quill-path="/post/2021-review"] { background-color: /* ... */ }
const quillContainer = document.querySelector('.quill-container'); if (quillContainer.getAttribute("data-quill-path") === "post/2021-review") { // ... }
Custom HTML (project-scoped)
Pro You can inject project-scoped HTML. This is useful when you want to install a global snippet like Google Analytics.
Custom HTML (page-scoped)
Pro You can inject page-scoped HTML. You can put any HTML snippet, which can be a YouTube video, iframe of a certain web page, ConvertKit subscription form, or whatever you need there.
You can learn more about this in the Plugins.